Mustang Adventures

Interested in joining Amanda on her American Mustang Adventures in 2025?! Check out more information below on her three training clinics and her list of road trips currently available. To express interest, please check over the Information Booklet PDF at the bottom of this page, then fill out the Registration form. We will be in touch within a few days.

Please note that spaces are very limited, and each person will have to go through a thorough application process to ensure their riding ability and fitness levels are suitable for the sort of adventure at hand.


For those wanting to advance and accelerate their horsemanship skills, Amanda’s 10-day Gentling and Taming Workshop is a fantastic way to fine-tune your ground handling skills while also learning the art of taming a wild horse. In this workshop, you’ll be working with wild Mustangs just days out of the BLM yards, learning the techniques of basic liberty work, haltering and first touches, learning to lead and follow the feel, mastering body control movements, obstacle training, trailer loading and

This workshop is suitable for most level participants, though it is recommended that you have experience working with young or green horses, and/ or are confident working with a broad range of domesticated horses.


Amanda’s Mustang Starting Clinic is the ultimate workshop for budding horse trainers to master a very gentle and effective training method that sets horses up for a fantastic future! In this workshop, you’ll be working with Mustangs just two weeks out of the BLM yards. These Mustangs will have gone through a comprehensive ground handling workshop with other clients and will already have all basic body control well mastered and will be confident crossing obstacles and trailer loading.

This workshop is suitable for budding trainers who have a well-established seat, are eager to learn, have a basic knowledge of working with young and green horses and who are fit and have good balance.


For those wishing to attend one of the Mustang Adventure road trips, it will truly be a trip of a lifetime! Not only will you have the opportunity to build a bond with a Mustang just a couple months out of captivity, but you will also get to experience a real taste of the Wild West; riding out over stunning National Parks and along trail heads, swimming in lakes, visiting wild horses out on the ranges, seeing horses in BLM yards, participating in epic bucket list style adventures, sleeping out under the stars and so much more.

These road trips are suitable for riders who have a well-established seat, have a basic knowledge of working with young and green horses, are confident riding in open spaces and over rugged terrain and who are fit and have good balance.

Adoption Clinic

For those wanting to adopt their very own Mustang, Amanda is running an Adoption Clinic at the end of her American tour. In this clinic, you will spend a week getting to know your new Mustang, as well as being bought up to speed on her training techniques and the milestones they have reached.

These Mustangs will have had 16 weeks under saddle and have been ridden by many different level riders. They will be sound, safe and have an excellent foundation for any discipline.