Have you ever dreamt of taming or starting a wild American Mustang, or road tripping through the Wild West of America, riding through National Parks, ticking off bucket list style adventures, camping under the stars and visiting wild horses out in the ranges? Well, Amanda Wilson, renowned clinician, horse trainer, colt starter and equine behavioural expert is offering the opportunity of a lifetime that you do not want to miss!
In 2025, her American tour starts with a 10-day Gentling and Taming Workshop, where a select number of participants will help to gentle x10 wild Mustangs straight out of the BLM yards. Participants, then have the option of joining her to watch the Road to the Horse, live in Kentucky with a very special guest!
Shortly after, she will step into a 14-day Starting Clinic with a new group of participants, who will be guided through the art of starting a horse under saddle, using very holistic and gentle techniques that work to give each horse the foundations needed to thrive in domestication.
After that, she is inviting budding adventurers to join her on an adventure like no other, road tripping with these once wild Mustangs through five states of America, exploring the serene and rugged landscapes of the west, while advancing their horsemanship and confidence along the way.
Want to follow Amanda’s training techniques and methodologies?! Check out her online course, complete with over 20 horse training series where she works with foals, through to starting horses under saddle, and diagnosing behavioral issues.
These training series boasts over 200 videos that was simple to follow and implement, leaving you with a holistic and effective system to incorporate into your own training program.
- Get access to hundreds of videos covering over 15 horses’ training journeys, with more series coming soon.
- Learn how to deal with a range of behavioural issues including bucking, aggression, rearing, contact issues, sluggishness, rushing and more.
- Learn how to keep your horse feeling sound through its body with simple stretches and massage techniques.
- Master the basics of ground handling and ridden work with an easy to follow, simple step by step process.
- Learn how to reduce tension in your training, in both horse and rider.
- Gain a deeper insight into the sports psychology aspect of competition.
- Learn how to communicate properly with your horse and understand what they are trying to communicate in return.
- Develop a better understanding of fear and how to work through it for horse and handler.
- Learn how to grow your horses confidence while truck and float loading.
- And lots more.

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